What a Day…

Might Have to Make This Low Bandwith

2 min readAug 14, 2020
Screen grab from the newest “Yoga is Where You Go”

Day 7 of 20: Wow, what a day. On all fronts today has been intense. Alignment of business goals with the flow of what is in front of us, the release of my favorite project so far for a reason unknown, and the warm feelings that come with navigating a tough situation better than you would have in the past. The topic tonight is slowing down and switching off.

Sometimes high velocity, high bandwith is a problem for the hardware it is running on. In the current environment, these are the basic states for a multitude of projects. None of it feels like work and I wonder how people get bored with things in the modern age. We can learn absolutely anything we want to.

For me, and I ask this regularly of my friends is how they find ways to legitimately slow down and turn off?

I’ve found Yoga, hard exercise and meditation to be powerful but Music to be the most potent. Listening was always a means of numbing, but playing it extracts the emotions and throws them across the canvas of sound and light.

Complete loss of the Self.

This is the greatest gift. Without questioning the what, how, when and why…

I feel this theme has been recurring throughout the last week and I should revisit it after the 20 day challenge.

For now, I am incredibly tired and feel satisfied with all that has happened today. I will retire to bed and come back with more energy tomorrow evening. There are 4–5 key ideas I’d like to explore with more energy.

Much love in the meantime, take care of each other…

— Nullzero.




Fascinated by all the things. Don’t Follow Me — I’m Lost Too. nullzero@senseyouall.live | IG: @senseyou_all